Legislative scorecard: Who is the most, least conservative?


Alaska’s Legislature continues to fall short, according to a new scorecard from the CPAC Foundation and the American Conservative Union Foundation. In fact, Alaska has a last place finish among Republican states, when the policy evaluators rated how well each of Alaska’s lawmakers adhered to conservative principles in 2021.

The Alaska State Legislature earned an overall conservative rating of 46%. Alaska trails behind top-ranked legislatures such as Alabama (74%) and Florida (73%), and the state even falls short of the national average of 49%, the group said.

The conservative rating is based on lawmaker voting across 186 policy areas ranging from cultural and life to tax, fiscal and regulatory policies. The entire scoring and methodology is at this link.

The state’s least conservative Republican is Rep. Louise Stutes of Kodiak, with a score of 22%. She scored lower than the most conservative of the Democrats, Chris Tuck, who was ranked 23% conservative.

Sen. Natasha Von Imhof was the least conservative Republican senator, with a 25% score. She is not running for reelection. Sen. Donny Olson, a Democrat, was the most conservative of his party, at 31%.

The top conservatives, according to the analysis:

Rep. David Eastman, Rep. Chris Kurka, Rep. Sarah Vance all received a 100% score. Rep. George Rauscher and Rep. Ben Carpenter were close behind at 95% and 95% respectively.

Representatives Kevin McCabe, Ron Gillham, James Kaufman, Cathy Tilton, Thomas McKay were all scored in the 90s.

Dead last for conservatives in the House were Democrats Reps. Geran Tarr (5%), Liz Snyder (4%), and Sara Hannan, (4%).

In the Senate, Sens. Rob Myers and Lora Reinbold were both scored 92% conservative.

The ratings have also been incorporated into CPAC’s new Lawmaker Comparison Tool, which runs head-to-head comparisons on lawmakers’ strongest and weakest policy areas.

The Center for Legislative Accountability is the first and only organization to annually publish individual ratings for all 8,000 federal and state lawmakers in America. The CLA is also home to the nation’s most comprehensive conservative policy database, containing over 17,500 detailed bill analyses which span 50 years of Congress and all 50 state legislatures.  


  1. Eastman is as conservative as his brand needs him to be. If the winds change enough, he will, too.

    I’d rather see a ranking on who actually has a spine and keeps promises.

    Another on who is the most beholden to the Walker machine.

  2. Eastman and Kurka are PFD thiefs. When the chips were down they revealed their treasonous colors. Not conservative!

  3. It’s a very sad statement when registered and elected democrat officials score higher on the conservative scale than some (so called) republican elected officials. SMH…

  4. Obviously this scorecard didn’t look at the effectiveness of the votes of these legislators, Eastman and Kurka are not conservatives. They play at it and pretend to be, but they do the hard work for the leftists and it was on full display during this last budget cycle, they both voted against the people, against small government, and for larger government while making a show of abortion funding but then a day or two later they voted for the more funding after they were able to vote against the people and for bigger government spending, with no second thought to the show of abortion funding. Eastman and Kurka are snakes in the grass and they are not conservative.

  5. The legislature is all liberal as they stole money for us for their needy little budget and unions.

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