John Wood appointed to Board of Fisheries



Attorney and fly-fishing enthusiast John Wood of Willow has been appointed to the vacancy on the board of Fisheries.

The position has been open since the Alaska Legislature rejected the appointment of retired Judge Karl Johnstone, after Rep. Ivy Spohnholz had lodged unsupported accusations against him — accusations that were never substantiated.

[Read: CYA: Rep. Spohnholz doubles down]

Wood served on the Mat-Su Borough Board of Fish and Wildlife, as staff for the Alaska State Legislature, served three terms on the Anchorage Assembly, including a term as chairman, clerked on the Alaska Superior Court, admitted to the Alaska Bar in 1972. His term started May 24.

He will need to go through the confirmation process in the Alaska Legislature next year. Some of the Dunleavy Administration nominations have had a rough time in the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives, where there is a strong streak of opposition to the governor in the Majority.

The governor also made other board appointments today, including three Alaskans to the Human Rights Commission: Betsy Engle of Fairbanks, William Craig of Sitka, and Evelyn Falzerano of Anchorage. Their terms started on May 28. The commission is expected to meet in June.

Other appointments include reappointing Ben Brown of Juneau, and adding Juan Munoz of Juneau and John Paul Kohler of Fairbanks to the Alaska State Council on the Arts.

Carl Brady was reappointed to the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation.

Cachet Garrett, of Fairbanks, formerly of Juneau, is a new student representative to the UA Board of Regents.

Other appointments are as follows:

Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve Advisory Council

  • Andy Hedden – Haines  (reappointment)
    • Term: 7/1/19 – 7/1/21
  • Kip Kermoian – Haines  (reappointment)
    • Term: 7/1/19 – 7/1/21
  • Stephen Lewis – Juneau (reappointment)
    • Term: 7/1/19 – 7/1/21

Alaska Historical Commission

  • Jonathon Ross – Chugiak (reappointment)
    • Term: 7/1/19 – 6/30/22
  • Mark Rollins – Anchorage
    • Term: 7/1/19 – 6/30/22

Alaska Seismic Hazards Safety Commission

  • Kelsey Trimmer – Palmer
    • Term: 4/26/19 – 6/30/21

Alaska State Council on the Arts

  • Benjamin Brown – Juneau (reappointment)
    • Term: 7/1/19 – 6/30/22
  • Juan Munoz – Juneau
    • Term: 7/1/19 – 6/30/22
  • John Paul Kohler Jr – Fairbanks
    • Term: 7/1/19 – 6/30/22

Big Game Commercial Services

  • Peter Buist – Fairbanks
    • Term: 5/21/19 – 3/1/21

Board of Fisheries

  • John Wood – Willow
    • Term: 5/24/19 – 6/30/21 

Board of Forestry

  • William Morris – Fairbanks (reappointment)
    • Term: 7/1/19 – 6/30/22
  • Eric Nichols – Ketchikan (reappointment)
    • Term: 7/1/19 – 6/30/22

Board of Nursing

  • Catherine Hample – Wasilla
    • Term: 5/24/19 – 3/1/21
  • Lena Lafferty – Anchorage
    • Term: 5/24/19 – 3/1/22

Board of Trustees of the Alaska Permanent Fund

  • Carl Brady Jr– Anchorage (reappointment)
    • Term: 7/1/19 – 6/30/23

Commission on Judicial Conduct

  • Todd Fletcher – Anchorage
    • Term: 5/21/19 – 3/1/23

Human Rights Commission

  • Betsy Engle – Fairbanks
    • Term: 5/28/19 – 3/1/20
  • William Craig – Sitka
    • Term: 5/28/19 – 3/1/23
  • Evelyn Falzerano – Anchorage
    • Term: 5/28/19

Professional Teaching Practices Commission

  • Lem Wheeles – Anchorage
    • Term: 5/21/19 – 3/1/22 

Real Estate Commission

  • Jerry Royse – Anchorage
    • Term: 5/22/19 – 3/1/23

Renewable Energy Fund Advisory Committee

  • Alicia Siira – Anchorage
    • Term: 5/13/19 – 3/1/22

State Council on Educational Opportunity for Military Children

  • Adele Douglas – Eagle River (reappointment)
    • Term: 7/1/19 – 7/1/22
  • Eleilia Preston – Wasilla
    • Term: 7/1/19 – 7/1/22

State Historical Records Advisory Board

  • Lisa Hart– Palmer (reappointment)
    • Term: 5/13/19 – 5/10/22
  • Mark Rollins – Anchorage
    • Term: 5/13/19 – 5/10/22

State Vocational Rehabilitation Committee

  • Tamara Douglas– Anchorage (reappointment)
    • Term: 5/21/19 – 5/21/22
  • Jeremiah Ticket – Kotzebue
    • Term: 5/21/19 – 5/21/22

University of Alaska Board of Regents

  • Cachet Garrett – Fairbanks
    • Term: 6/1/19 – 5/30/21
    • Student Regent

Violent Crimes Compensation Board

  • Greg Bringhurst – Fairbanks
    • Term: 5/21/19 – 3/1/22

Wood-Tikchik State Park Management Council

  • Paul Liedberg – Dillingham (reappointment)
    • Term: 7/1/19 – 6/30/22


  1. I remember John wood from his time on the Anchorage Assembly. He and his wife, Mary, were very nice folks. I hope his appointment goes smoothly.

  2. I was wondering where John would pop up in this administration…
    Good luck to him as our Salmon Allocation Imbalance has reached a critical level in the Valley with blanket closures upon all streams in the Mat Su borough this June where locals once rallied to catch Chinooks and sport fishing guides had worked hard to get clients “on fish”.
    Problem is with 5 Billion hatchery fish released in the Pacific every year, natural species are facing declines in habitat and food sources as Global Fish Ranching has become the preferred paradigm in North America.

  3. John Wood is a good choice for Alaska and a good choice for the resource. Pleasantly surprised he was willing to make this commitment of time and energy. He will be prepared. He will read all the proposals and will listen to testimony. He is a hard worker. He looks at the big picture and is committed to a fair process. Solid appointment.

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